What should you expect for the study?

Qualified individuals who enroll in this study can expect their participation to require 8 clinic visits and 4 telephone calls over about 31 months. Eligible participants will complete a screening visit followed by a 6 month Observation Period followed by a 24 month Treatment Period. At each visit participants will have a vision test, eye exam, pictures of your eyes, and blood work to make sure you are eligible for the study and it is safe to participate.

At the beginning of the Treatment Period you will be randomly assigned (like the flip of a coin) to one of two groups. You have an equal chance of being assigned to each group. One group will take ORACEA ® (40 mg doxycycline) once daily for 24 months, and the other group will take placebo (capsule with no active ingredients) once daily for 24 months. Neither you nor your study doctor can choose to which group you are assigned nor will you know to which group you are assigned.